Published on April 7, 2009 By moreanuj In International

In 1984 hundreds of Sikhs were killed. Twenty five years have passed since. The accused are still not punished. I don’t know whether Tytler or Sajjan Kumar was involved or not. What I know is that justice is still not done. It’s not about giving or withdrawing tickets or awarding the journalist who threw a shoe at the Home Minister. And it’s definitely not about political mud slugging.

That state is legitimate which provides justice to its citizens. If the state cannot deliver justice why do we need the state? Yes, if we do not have a state there will be anarchy. If criminals are running free and even fighting elections(not referring to Tytler or Sajjan Kumar in particular), aren’t we already having a rule of anarchy?



on Apr 09, 2009

yes, even if they were not directly involved, they must be held equally guilty as they have done nothing to secure justice for the people of the constituencies they represent.

on Apr 09, 2009

ya...very true....